Saturday, September 13, 2008

Palin, articles, videos and more

Ok, so, last post I said I was going to go a bit more in depth on Palin. I am vacationing in Napa right now, so I won't be around to really go in depth on her, but here's something.

Here's an article on the whole 'troopergate' scandal (jesus, I hate those 'gate' words). It details about the lawsuit pending, the pressure on firings, who is culpable, what the trooper did, and so on and so forth.

After reading the article, I say we move away from TrooperGate. Who gives a shit.

Here is Fact's page on debunking some rumors on Palin.

More later.

1 comment:

Da Old Man said...

From everything you posted, Troopergate (Yeah, I'm sick of Gate getting attached to everything, too) is BS. The Trooper should have been fired long before she got involved. In any other state, this would never have even become an issue. He would have been kicked to the curb.