Word is coming out that Blue State Digital, a company directly responsible for helping Obama raise funds, has ties with AT&T, one of the companies that the FISA bill would protect.
And now we have Senator Russ Feingold discussing the searching of laptops of Americans who are coming back from overseas.
What exactly is happening in this country?
Seems to me that politicians we're supposed to be trusting are compromising our civil liberties. Democrats are being forced to pass bills because it's an election year. Bush is using his last few months to leverage his all encompassing plan to send America into the shitter, his final Presidential legacy plans.
Obama is in a tough situation. Does he kow-tow until he's President? Or does he take a stand and then get the shit kicked out of him by Republicans who say he's soft on terror and the security of the nation? If he does the latter, he's got to sit there and take it as the citizens of this country get screwed over by a
1 comment:
John, a great academic scholar/historian posted something today about legislators pumping out laws. It doesn't fit exactly what you wrote, but it is along the same lines: laws passed in knee jerk reactions to whatever is the hot topic of the day:
"I'm of the feeling that we have enough laws. New ones almost always benefit 2 people--lawyers and criminals.
I'm not that familiar with Jessica's Law, but am very familiar with Megan's Law. Even did an in class speech against it in college. Kind of funny because when the teacher heard my topic, he winced. He had heard dozens of speeches in favor. Afterwards, he told me he never heard anyone against it, and I scored an A+.
Megan's Law, in a nutshell, is the one where if a predator is in the neighborhood, neighbors have to be notified.
On the surface it sounds terrific, but here's the catch that makes lawyers rich (you did know the legislature is composed mainly of lawyers.) After a criminal is assessed, and assigned a risk number (the number determines whether or not the criminal has to notify neighbors or police) the criminal can hire an attorney to have this number downgraded.
Win-win for the lawyer and criminal, not so good for the neighborhood.
It is too early to tell how the lawyers will distort Jessica's Law to its advantage, but the Congressman/attorney speaking did say what he, or any slimy lawyer will do. That is, they will do anything to win.
I looked up Jessica's law, and basically, it has mandatory penalties for rape against children.
As heinous as this crime seems, don't we already have laws against this?
Yes, we do. Plenty of them. What we don't need, and we seem to get, are knee jerk reactions to crime. This almost always leads to further problems. And, surprise, it always leads to more money for lawyers.
Did I mention that most legislators are lawyers?"
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