Friday, August 8, 2008

anti-Bush, anti-war website

I was reading this article at After Downing Street on an Anti-War website, and how the administrator has been threatened numerous times by armed individuals who do or do not work for the government.

Check out Information Clearing House.

I hope that Tom Feeley doesn't give in to these people.

No one in this administration (if they are responsible) can convince any educated person that what they're doing is for the best interest of the country.

When you do something like that, when you put yourself out there and are anti-Government, I really think you have to take into consideration (at least with this Administration) that not only is there going to be trouble, but that you can't back down, at all.

I feel terrible for Mr. Freeley's wife and child, and grandchildren. It's an awful situation he's in. And it's a lot to ask, to not have him give up. But it's what these kinds of people want. To scare and intimidate people. To whitewash this whole situation the US is in.

Tom Freeley is now bigger than that.

1 comment:

Da Old Man said...

I'd like to say unbelievable, but it's not. This has been going on for years. Just look at what Reno did at Waco. US government turning on its own people have been going on for years.