Friday, July 4, 2008

Columbian hostage situation

By now I'm sure that you've heard about the brilliant tactical situation in Columbia that brought home 5 hostages?

Well, now it's being reported that the US government, in conjuncture with Columbian officials, paid the members of FARC millions of dollars to release them.

So, I guess that the Bush Administration has brought us an awful economy, the deaths of thousands of US soldiers and hundreds of thousands of Iraqis, and that we now negotiate with terrorists.


In lieu of this information, I figure that another anti-Bush demonstration is in order.

That the man is still able to get an audience after all these years, and all of the lies, is completely and totally astounding. It seems that people just cannot learn a lesson in this country.

Completely embarrassing that he was able to pull applause out of this crowd. Only in Virginia. Which happens to be a part of:

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