Sunday, July 20, 2008

Corruption between CNN and J&J


Second article.

Floss Rings.

Just bought 4, one for each family member.

Wrote Sean Dix, got a nice letter back:

Dear John,

Thank for your kind words believe me they are much appreciated. Sales at this moment believe it or not are the least of my concerns as without justice the marketplace will remain as corrupt as it was when this began.

I grew up in this country believing in all the stories of all the inventions that made people famous, wealthy or both never dreaming that i would one day have such a chance. I had accepted my role as a piece worker in a factory and was happy until this idea gave me reason to expand my horizons.

If anyone were to tell me when I started this venture over a decade ago that I would one day be written up on a website that deals with news the mainstream media wouldn't touch and had cited a few highpoints from my own story I would have laughed and thought the person telling me this was slightly paranoid if not really nuts.

It would have frightened me but living through it made me realize that if we don't stand up to big companies like J&J, and CNN they just get bolder in their rapacious ways and if they are willing to do this over a flossing device God only knows what they have in store for all of us.

So although you may think sales are on my mind I assure you your letter meant more. Thank you. This fight is far from over and it isn't just mine. It belongs to you and everyone who will ever come after me that has an idea that could and should find a home in the marketplace without being crushed maliciously in broad daylight. Thanks again, its people like you that keep me going.

Sean Dix

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